From STEM to STEAM – Full STEAM Ahead!


Origins of STEM Education

The origins of STEM Education in the United States can be traced to as early as 1862, with the enactment of the Morrill Act – which set aside federal lands to create colleges to “benefit the agricultural and mechanical arts”. In 1958, as a response to the “Space Race” with the Soviet Union, President Eisenhower established NASA – and public interest in Science and careers in Science grew significantly. The acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math was adopted by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2001, and in that same year, Arizona’s governor, Janet Napolitano, pioneered the acquisition of public and private grant funding to support STEM education.

In 2007, Congress passed the America COMPETES ACT and authorized funding for K-12 STEM initiatives. Since then, K-12 school systems throughout the country have received government, state, and local funding to implement STEM programs with meaningful success. STEM programs have lived up to the NSF objective of Workforce development and preparation for higher education in technical fields.

Integrating the Arts into STEM

By 2012, the United States National Research Council proposed adding the Arts to K-12 STEM programs, and the acronym STEAM was created. While it safe to say that Visual Arts, Music, and Performance Arts have contributed to the efficacy of STEM programs, much debate exists on this premise. The number one factor for dismissing STEAM is that many educators do not wish to dilute their existing STEM programs. There is some consensus that emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math alone – leads to higher SAT scores, preparation for higher education, and subsequent career development. However, this may not be entirely the case.

STEAM Integration seeks to create a holistic and interdisciplinary learning experience. Here are key points about how these domains are integrated:

Interdisciplinary Approach

Real-World Applications

STEAM education helps students understand how these subjects apply to real-world scenarios by integrating various knowledge domains. For instance, understanding the physics behind a musical instrument (science) and designing it (engineering) while considering its aesthetic appeal (arts).

Other Real-Word Applications of STEAM Integration

Robotics: Combining mechanical engineering, Artificial Intelligence, and aesthetics design.

Environmental Projects: Integrating biology, chemistry, technology, and art to address environmental challenges.

Architecture: Blending mathematics, physics, engineering, and art in building design.

Project-Based Learning

STEAM education often employs project-based learning (PBL), where students work on projects that require them to apply knowledge from multiple disciplines. This approach fosters critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. For example, creating a robot involves understanding coding (technology), mechanical design (engineering), and sometimes aesthetics (arts).

Other Examples of Project-Based Learning (w/STEAM focus)

1. Science

  • Ecosystem Restoration Project:
    • Students choose a local ecosystem in need of restoration, such as a wetland or forest. They research the ecosystem’s needs, develop a plan to restore it (e.g., removing invasive species and planting native plants), and implement their plan. The project might include monitoring the progress over time and presenting their results to the community.
  • Citizen Science Initiative:
    • Students participate in a citizen science project, such as monitoring local wildlife populations or collecting air or water quality data. They analyze the data they collect, compare it with other data sets, and present their findings on how the environment is changing over time.

2. Technology

  • App Development:
    • Students identify a problem within their school or community that could be solved with technology and then design and develop a mobile app to address the issue. The project involves coding, user interface design, and testing the app with potential users.
  • Digital Storytelling:
    • Students create a digital story or short film incorporating technology and artistic elements. They use video editing software, special effects, and sound design to tell a compelling narrative based on a historical event, a scientific concept, or a social issue.

3. Engineering

  • Bridge-Building Challenge:
    • Students design and build a model bridge using limited materials (e.g., popsicle sticks, string, glue). They calculate the load their bridge can support, test their designs, and make improvements based on their results. The project emphasizes principles of physics, structural engineering, and material science.
  • Renewable Energy Design:
    • Students design and construct a small-scale renewable energy system, such as a solar-powered water heater or a wind turbine. They research energy needs, create prototypes, and test the efficiency of their designs, integrating concepts from physics, engineering, and environmental science.

4. Arts

  • STEAM Art Installation:
    • Students create an art installation that incorporates principles of science or mathematics. For example, they might create a kinetic sculpture that moves based on wind power or a light installation that changes color in response to sound waves. The project combines artistic creativity with scientific understanding.
  • Data Visualization Project:
    • Students collect and analyze data on a topic of interest (e.g., climate change, population growth, or health trends) and then use graphic design tools to create visual representations of the data. The project involves understanding the data and how to communicate it effectively through design.

5. Mathematics

  • Mathematical Modeling:
    • Students tackle a real-world problem, such as predicting population growth, optimizing traffic flow, or managing natural resources, by creating and testing mathematical models. They use statistical analysis, algebra, and calculus to develop solutions, which they present in written reports or presentations.
  • Geometry in Architecture:
    • Students explore the use of geometry in architecture by designing their own structures, such as pavilions or small buildings. They create scale models, calculate dimensions, and analyze how geometric shapes contribute to structural stability and aesthetic appeal.

6. Integrated STEAM Project

  • Smart City Design:
    • Students collaborate on designing a “smart city” incorporating elements of all STEAM fields. They might create a 3D model or a digital simulation of the city, which includes energy-efficient buildings (engineering), public art installations (arts), renewable energy sources (science), and technological innovations like smart traffic lights or waste management systems (technology). Mathematics is used to calculate costs, optimize resource use, and ensure the feasibility of the design.

These STEAM-focused project-based learning examples encourage students to integrate knowledge across multiple disciplines, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills while engaging in hands-on, real-world applications.

Collaborative Learning

Integrating knowledge domains in STEAM encourages collaboration among students with different strengths and interests. This teamwork mirrors real-world work environments where professionals from various fields come together to solve complex problems.

This video shows college students with different backgrounds working together on a project. They are designing a “Smart City”.

Innovation and Creativity

Including the Arts in STEM highlights the importance of creativity and innovation. The arts contribute to developing critical thinking, design thinking, and creative problem-solving skills, which are essential for innovation.

Enhanced Engagement

Integrating different subjects makes STEAM education more engaging and relevant for students. When students see how their knowledge can be applied in multiple contexts, they are more likely to be motivated and interested in their studies.

Teacher Collaboration

Effective STEAM education requires collaboration among teachers from different subject areas. This collaboration ensures that the curriculum is truly interdisciplinary and that students receive a well-rounded education.

Best Schools for STEAM Education

We have compiled the following list of the leading STEAM Education programs provided by American colleges and universities.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Cambridge, MA, USA

MIT is a global leader in STEM education, with an increasing emphasis on integrating arts and design into its curriculum. The MIT Media Lab is particularly renowned for its
interdisciplinary approach, blending technology, arts, and media. Highlights: World-class
facilities, research opportunities, and a strong focus on innovation and creativity.

Stanford University – Stanford, CA, USA

Known for its pioneering work in technology and engineering, Stanford also has a strong emphasis on the Arts, mainly through its Hasso Plattner Institute of Design).

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) – Pasadena, CA, USA

Caltech is a leading institution in STEM fields, with growing attention to the arts and their integration into scientific education. Highlights: Small class sizes, high faculty-to-student ratio, and strong research opportunities. Note: Fans of the “Big Bang Theory” television series are familiar with the fact that the show’s characters

Olin College of Engineering – Needham, MA, USA

Olin is a highly innovative engineering school emphasizing project-based learning and integrating arts and humanities into its curriculum—highlights: Collaborative projects, strong creativity focus, and engineering entrepreneurship.

The New School – Parsons School of Design – New York, NY, USA

Parsons is known for its design programs but also has strong ties to technology and
innovation, particularly through its Strategic Design and Management program. Highlights: Emphasis on design thinking, integration of technology with creative disciplines.

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) – Providence, RI, USA

While traditionally an arts-focused school, RISD has embraced STEAM by offering joint
programs with nearby Brown University, where students can blend arts with science and technology. Highlights: Innovative cross-disciplinary projects, emphasis on design and technology.

Carnegie Mellon University – Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Carnegie Mellon has a strong reputation in both arts and technology, particularly through its School of Computer Science and College of Fine Arts. Highlights: Cross-disciplinary research, emphasis on human-computer interaction, and a collaborative environment.

University of California, Berkeley – Berkeley, CA, USA

UC Berkeley is renowned for its STEM programs and has robust arts and humanities
departments, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration. Highlights: Strong research
opportunities, diverse academic environment, and a focus on innovation.

Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) – Savannah, GA, USA

SCAD is a top design and art school that integrates technology and innovation into its
curriculum, mainly through its UX design, animation, and game design programs.
Highlights: Cutting-edge facilities, industry connections

Careers in STEAM

STEAM education prepares students for the future workforce by equipping them with a broad skill set that includes technical skills, creativity, critical thinking, and the ability to work collaboratively across disciplines.

Careers in Science

A science major opens the door to various career opportunities across various fields. Here are some popular career paths for science majors:

1. Healthcare and Medicine

  • Physician/Surgeon: Requires additional medical school education. Physicians diagnose and treat illnesses, while surgeons perform operations.
  • Pharmacist: Specializes in the safe and effective use of medications.
  • Nurse Practitioner/Registered Nurse: Provides patient care, often specializing in specific areas like pediatrics or oncology.
  • Dentist: Focuses on oral health and dental procedures.
  • Veterinarian: Treats animals’ health issues.

2. Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals

  • Biotechnologist: Works on developing products using living organisms, such as creating new medicines or agricultural products.
  • Pharmaceutical Researcher: Develops new drugs and treatments.
  • Clinical Research Coordinator: Manages clinical trials to test new drugs or medical devices.

3. Environmental Science

  • Environmental Scientist: Works on conservation, pollution control, and natural resource management.
  • Wildlife Biologist: Studies and conserves animal species and their habitats.
  • Environmental Consultant: Advises companies on how to minimize their environmental impact.

4. Education

  • Science Teacher/Professor: Teaches science subjects at the high school, college, or university level.
  • Education Coordinator: Develops science curriculum and educational programs.

5. Research and Development (R&D)

  • Research Scientist: Conducts experiments and research in various fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, or engineering.
  • Lab Technician: Supports scientific research by managing equipment, conducting experiments, and analyzing data.

6. Engineering

  • Biomedical Engineer: Designs medical devices and equipment.
  • Chemical Engineer: Works in the production of chemicals, fuels, drugs, and food.
  • Environmental Engineer: Develops solutions to environmental problems.

7. Information Technology and Data Science

  • Data Scientist: Analyzes complex data to help organizations make informed decisions.
  • Bioinformatics Specialist: Combines biology and computer science to analyze biological data.
  • Software Developer: Creates software for scientific applications.

8. Forensic Science

  • Forensic Scientist: Analyzes physical evidence from crime scenes.
  • Crime Lab Analyst: Specializes in areas like DNA analysis, toxicology, or ballistics.

9. Space and Astronomy

  • Astronomer: Studies celestial objects and phenomena.
  • Aerospace Engineer: Designs and tests aircraft, spacecraft, and satellites.
  • Astrobiologist: Researches the possibility of life beyond Earth.

10. Government and Policy

  • Science Policy Advisor: Works with government agencies to develop policies based on scientific research.
  • Public Health Analyst: Works in public health to analyze data and develop health policies.

11. Business and Industry

  • Scientific Sales Representative: Sells scientific equipment or pharmaceutical products.
  • Product Development Scientist: Works on creating new products for companies.
  • Technical Writer: Creates manuals, guidelines, and other documents that explain scientific processes and products.

12. Agriculture and Food Science

  • Agricultural Scientist: Researches ways to improve crop yields and farming practices.
  • Food Scientist: Works on developing and improving food products and safety.

13. Marine Biology and Oceanography

  • Marine Biologist: Studies marine organisms and ecosystems.
  • Oceanographer: Investigates the physical and chemical properties of the ocean.

14. Genetics and Molecular Biology

  • Genetic Counselor: Works with patients to understand genetic conditions and the risks of inherited diseases.
  • Molecular Biologist: Studies the molecular basis of biological activity.

These careers span various industries and sectors, reflecting the broad applicability of a science education. Some may require additional education or certification, but a science major provides a strong foundation for many fulfilling careers.

Careers in Technology

A technology major can lead to a wide range of career opportunities in various industries, given the growing reliance on technology in almost every aspect of business and society. Here are some popular career paths for technology majors:

1. Software Development and Engineering

  • Software Developer/Engineer: Designs, codes, and tests software applications, from mobile apps to enterprise-level systems.
  • Web Developer: Specializes in building and maintaining websites and web applications.
  • Mobile App Developer: Focuses on creating applications for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.
  • DevOps Engineer: Manages the software development process, focusing on automation and efficiency.

2. Data Science and Analytics

  • Data Scientist: Analyzes large sets of data to uncover trends, patterns, and insights that help guide business decisions.
  • Data Analyst: Interprets data and provides reports to help organizations make informed decisions.
  • Machine Learning Engineer: Develops algorithms and models that allow computers to learn from and make predictions based on data.
  • Business Intelligence Analyst: Uses data to help organizations improve their processes and profitability.

3. Cybersecurity

  • Cybersecurity Analyst: Protects an organization’s systems and data from cyber threats.
  • Ethical Hacker/Penetration Tester: Tests security systems by attempting to exploit vulnerabilities, helping to identify and fix weaknesses.
  • Information Security Manager: Oversees an organization’s cybersecurity strategy and ensures the protection of sensitive data.
  • Security Consultant: Advises organizations on best practices for securing their IT infrastructure.

4. Network and Systems Administration

  • Network Administrator: Manages and maintains an organization’s network infrastructure, ensuring reliable connectivity and performance.
  • Systems Administrator: Oversees the configuration, maintenance, and reliable operation of computer systems and servers.
  • Cloud Engineer: Designs and manages cloud-based infrastructure and services.
  • IT Support Specialist: Provides technical support and troubleshooting assistance to end users.

5. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

  • AI Engineer: Develops systems and applications that leverage artificial intelligence to solve complex problems.
  • Robotics Engineer: Designs and builds robots and robotic systems for various applications, from manufacturing to healthcare.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Specialist: Works on the interaction between computers and human languages, improving technologies like chatbots and voice assistants.

6. Product and Project Management

  • Product Manager: Oversees the development and launch of technology products, ensuring they meet customer needs and business goals.
  • Technical Project Manager: Manages technology projects, coordinating between development teams and stakeholders to deliver projects on time and within budget.
  • Scrum Master: Facilitates the agile development process, ensuring teams work efficiently and adhere to agile principles.

7. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design

  • UX Designer: Focuses on the overall user experience of a product, ensuring it is intuitive and meets the needs of the target audience.
  • UI Designer: Specializes in the visual aspects of a product’s interface, ensuring it is aesthetically pleasing and functional.
  • Interaction Designer: Works on the interactive elements of a product, creating smooth and engaging user interactions.

8. Game Development

  • Game Developer: Programs and develops video games, focusing on gameplay mechanics, graphics, and performance.
  • Game Designer: Creates the concepts, storylines, and gameplay features for video games.
  • Game Tester/Quality Assurance (QA) Analyst: Tests video games to find and report bugs, ensuring a smooth user experience.

9. Information Technology (IT) Consulting

  • IT Consultant: Provides strategic advice and solutions to businesses on how to use technology to achieve their goals.
  • Technical Consultant: Specializes in specific technology areas, such as ERP systems, cloud computing, or cybersecurity, and provides expertise to clients.

10. Telecommunications

  • Telecommunications Engineer: Works on the design, implementation, and maintenance of telecommunications networks, including wired, wireless, and satellite systems.
  • VoIP Engineer: Specializes in Voice over Internet Protocol technology, enabling voice communications over the internet.

11. Database Administration

  • Database Administrator (DBA): Manages and maintains an organization’s databases, ensuring data integrity, security, and availability.
  • Database Developer: Designs and implements databases and related applications to store, manage, and retrieve data efficiently.
  • Data Architect: Develops and manages the data architecture of an organization, ensuring it meets business needs.

12. Cloud Computing

  • Cloud Solutions Architect: Designs cloud computing solutions that meet business requirements, often working with platforms like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud.
  • Cloud Administrator: Manages cloud-based resources and services, ensuring they are optimized and secure.
  • Cloud Security Engineer: Focuses on securing cloud environments and ensuring compliance with security standards.

13. Emerging Technologies

  • Blockchain Developer: Works on developing and implementing blockchain technologies, which are used in cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and other decentralized applications.
  • IoT (Internet of Things) Developer: This person creates applications and systems that connect physical devices to the Internet, enabling them to collect and exchange data.
  • AR/VR Developer: This position focuses on creating augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences, which are used in gaming, education, and training.

14. Technical Writing

  • Technical Writer: Creates manuals, guides, and other documentation that explains how to use software, hardware, and other technologies.
  • Content Developer: Specializes in creating content that communicates technical concepts to non-technical audiences.

15. Education and Training

  • Technology Educator: Teaches technology-related subjects at various levels, from K-12 to college and adult education.
  • Corporate Trainer: Develops and delivers training programs on specific technologies within organizations.

Technology majors can explore careers across industries such as finance, healthcare, entertainment, and government, as technology is an integral part of nearly every sector. Some roles may require additional certifications or specialized training, but a degree in technology provides a strong foundation for a versatile and in-demand career.

Careers in Engineering

Engineering majors have a vast array of career opportunities across numerous industries, thanks to the broad and versatile nature of engineering education. Here are some popular career paths for engineering majors:

1. Civil Engineering

  • Civil Engineer: Designs, constructs, and maintains infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, and water supply systems.
  • Structural Engineer: Focuses on the design and analysis of buildings, bridges, and other structures, ensuring they can withstand loads and forces.
  • Transportation Engineer: Works on the planning, design, and operation of transportation systems, including highways, railroads, and airports.
  • Geotechnical Engineer: Specializes in the behavior of earth materials and works on projects involving soil and rock, such as foundations and earthworks.

2. Mechanical Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineer: Designs and develops mechanical systems, including engines, machinery, and heating/cooling systems.
  • Aerospace Engineer: Focuses on the design and development of aircraft, spacecraft, and related systems.
  • Automotive Engineer: Works on the design, development, and manufacturing of vehicles, from cars to trucks and motorcycles.
  • Manufacturing Engineer: Optimizes manufacturing processes and systems, often working to improve efficiency and product quality.

3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

  • Electrical Engineer: Designs, develops, and tests electrical systems and equipment, including power generation and distribution systems.
  • Electronics Engineer: Focuses on the design and development of electronic devices and systems, such as circuits, microchips, and communication devices.
  • Control Systems Engineer: Works on the design and implementation of control systems used in automation and manufacturing.
  • Telecommunications Engineer: Specializes in the design and maintenance of communication systems, including telephone networks and the internet.

4. Chemical Engineering

  • Chemical Engineer: Develops processes for manufacturing chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and other products, focusing on process efficiency and safety.
  • Process Engineer: Works on optimizing industrial processes, particularly in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and petrochemical industries.
  • Materials Engineer: Develops and tests materials used in manufacturing, ensuring they meet specific performance standards.

5. Computer Engineering

  • Computer Engineer: Designs and develops computer systems and components, including hardware, software, and networks.
  • Embedded Systems Engineer: Specializes in developing software and hardware for embedded systems, which are computer systems integrated into other devices.
  • Network Engineer: Designs, implements, and manages computer networks, ensuring efficient and secure data communication.
  • Cybersecurity Engineer: Focuses on protecting computer systems and networks from cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

6. Biomedical Engineering

  • Biomedical Engineer: Combines principles of engineering with biological sciences to design and develop medical devices, equipment, and software.
  • Clinical Engineer: Works in healthcare settings to manage and maintain medical equipment and technology.
  • Biomechanical Engineer: Applies mechanical engineering principles to biological systems, focusing on improving human health and performance.
  • Tissue Engineer: Works on developing biological tissues for medical applications, such as tissue regeneration and organ replacement.

7. Environmental Engineering

  • Environmental Engineer: Designs and implements solutions to environmental problems, such as pollution control, waste management, and sustainable development.
  • Water Resources Engineer: Focuses on the management and conservation of water resources, including the design of water treatment and distribution systems.
  • Sustainability Engineer: Works on developing sustainable technologies and practices to reduce environmental impact and promote conservation.
  • Air Quality Engineer: Specializes in monitoring and controlling air pollution, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.

8. Industrial Engineering

  • Industrial Engineer: Optimizes complex systems and processes, focusing on improving efficiency, productivity, and quality in manufacturing and service industries.
  • Operations Research Analyst: Uses mathematical modeling and statistical analysis to solve problems related to logistics, production, and resource allocation.
  • Supply Chain Engineer: Manages and optimizes the flow of goods and services, from raw materials to finished products.
  • Quality Engineer: Focuses on ensuring that products and processes meet quality standards and are reliable and consistent.

9. Petroleum Engineering

  • Petroleum Engineer: Works on the extraction of oil and gas, designing and implementing methods to maximize the recovery of these resources.
  • Reservoir Engineer: Analyzes and manages oil and gas reservoirs to optimize extraction and production.
  • Drilling Engineer: Focuses on the design and implementation of drilling operations for oil and gas wells.
  • Production Engineer: Manages the production phase of oil and gas extraction, ensuring efficiency and safety.

10. Aerospace Engineering

  • Aerospace Engineer: Works on the design, development, and testing of aircraft, spacecraft, missiles, and related systems.
  • Flight Test Engineer: Conducts and analyzes flight tests to evaluate the performance of aircraft and spacecraft.
  • Avionics Engineer: Specializes in the electronic systems used in aircraft and spacecraft, including navigation, communication, and control systems.
  • Propulsion Engineer: Focuses on the design and development of engines and propulsion systems for aircraft and spacecraft.

11. Nuclear Engineering

  • Nuclear Engineer: Works on the development and maintenance of nuclear power plants, focusing on safety and efficiency.
  • Radiation Protection Engineer: Ensures the safe use of radiation and radioactive materials in medical, industrial, and research applications.
  • Reactor Engineer: Designs and manages nuclear reactors, ensuring they operate safely and efficiently.
  • Nuclear Safety Engineer: Works on improving safety measures and protocols in nuclear energy production and other applications.

12. Marine Engineering

  • Marine Engineer: Designs and maintains ships, boats, and other marine vessels, focusing on propulsion systems, structural integrity, and onboard systems.
  • Naval Architect: Specializes in the design and construction of ships and other marine structures.
  • Ocean Engineer: Works on the design and development of systems and equipment used in the ocean, such as underwater vehicles and offshore structures.
  • Subsea Engineer: Focuses on the design and maintenance of underwater equipment and systems, often in the oil and gas industry.

13. Energy Engineering

  • Energy Engineer: Works on developing and optimizing energy systems, including renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydroelectric power.
  • Power Engineer: Focuses on the generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical power.
  • Renewable Energy Engineer: Specializes in the design and implementation of sustainable energy solutions, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and bioenergy systems.
  • Energy Efficiency Engineer: Works on improving energy efficiency in buildings, industrial processes, and transportation systems.

14. Systems Engineering

  • Systems Engineer: Manages the design, integration, and optimization of complex systems, ensuring all components work together effectively.
  • Reliability Engineer: Focuses on improving the reliability and performance of systems and products, often through analysis and testing.
  • Integration Engineer: Ensures that different systems or components can work together effectively within larger projects.
  • Process Engineer: Designs and optimizes processes within various industries, ensuring they are efficient and effective.

15. Engineering Management

  • Engineering Manager: Oversees engineering teams, projects, and budgets, ensuring successful project completion and team performance.
  • Project Engineer: Manages engineering projects from concept to completion, coordinating between different teams and stakeholders.
  • Technical Director: Provides leadership and strategic direction in the development and implementation of technical projects.
  • Operations Manager: Oversees the day-to-day operations of engineering and manufacturing facilities, focusing on efficiency and productivity.

Engineering majors can find careers in almost every industry, from aerospace and automotive to healthcare and environmental services. Some roles may require additional certifications or specialized training, but an engineering degree provides a solid foundation for a diverse and rewarding career.

Careers in the Arts

Majoring in the arts opens up a wide range of creative and fulfilling career opportunities. Here are some popular career paths for arts majors:

Majoring in the arts opens up a wide range of creative and fulfilling career opportunities across various industries. Here are some popular career paths for arts majors:

1. Visual Arts

  • Fine Artist (Painter, Sculptor, Illustrator): Creates original works of art to be sold, displayed in galleries, or commissioned by clients.
  • Graphic Designer: Designs visual content for print and digital media, including logos, advertisements, websites, and social media.
  • Photographer: Captures images for various purposes, including commercial, editorial, and fine art photography.
  • Art Director: Oversees the visual style and content of magazines, newspapers, product packaging, and film productions.
  • Animator: Creates animations and visual effects for films, video games, television, and online media.
  • Art Teacher/Educator: Teaches art in schools, colleges, or through private lessons, helping students develop their artistic skills.

2. Performing Arts

  • Actor/Actress: Performs in theater, film, television, or online media, portraying characters in various productions.
  • Dancer/Choreographer: Performs dance routines or creates choreography for performances in theater, film, or music videos.
  • Musician/Singer: Performs music as a solo artist or as part of a band, orchestra, or ensemble.
  • Theater Director: Oversees and guides the creative direction of theatrical productions.
  • Stage Manager: Manages the logistics and coordination of a theater production, ensuring everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.
  • Voice Actor: Provides voiceovers for animated characters, commercials, video games, and other media.

3. Literary Arts

  • Writer/Author: Creates written content for books, articles, scripts, blogs, and other publications.
  • Editor: Edits and revises written content, ensuring it is clear, accurate, and engaging.
  • Copywriter: Writes promotional and advertising content for businesses, including website copy, slogans, and product descriptions.
  • Poet: Writes poetry for publication, performance, or personal expression.
  • Literary Agent: Represents authors and helps them secure publishing deals and contracts.

4. Design and Applied Arts

  • Interior Designer: Plans and designs the interiors of homes, offices, and commercial spaces, focusing on aesthetics and functionality.
  • Fashion Designer: Creates clothing, accessories, and footwear, often working with fashion houses or launching their own brands.
  • Textile Designer: Designs fabrics and patterns for use in clothing, home decor, and other products.
  • Industrial Designer: Designs and develops products, from household items to consumer electronics, focusing on both aesthetics and usability.
  • Jewelry Designer: Creates jewelry pieces, from concept to final product, often using precious metals and gemstones.

5. Film, TV, and Media

  • Film Director: Oversees the creative aspects of a film or television production, including casting, script editing, and visual style.
  • Screenwriter: Writes scripts for films, television shows, and other visual media.
  • Producer: Manages the production of films, television shows, and online content, handling budgets, schedules, and logistics.
  • Cinematographer: Oversees the camera and lighting crews on a film set, ensuring the visual quality of the production.
  • Film Editor: Assembles and edits raw footage into a finished product, working closely with the director to achieve the desired outcome.
  • Broadcast Journalist: Reports on news and events, working in television, radio, or online media.

6. Museum and Gallery Work

  • Curator: Manages collections of art, historical artifacts, or other items in museums and galleries, organizing exhibitions and displays.
  • Museum Educator: Develops and delivers educational programs and tours for museum visitors.
  • Art Conservator/Restorer: Preserves and restores artworks and historical artifacts, ensuring they remain in good condition for future generations.
  • Gallery Manager: Oversees the day-to-day operations of an art gallery, including sales, marketing, and exhibition planning.

7. Arts Administration

  • Arts Administrator: Manages arts organizations, such as theaters, galleries, and arts councils, handling budgets, marketing, and programming.
  • Cultural Manager: Oversees projects and events that promote cultural activities and heritage, often working with government agencies or NGOs.
  • Fundraiser/Development Officer: Works with arts organizations to secure funding and sponsorships for projects and programs.

8. Digital Arts and Multimedia

  • Multimedia Artist: Creates visual effects, animations, and other multimedia content for film, television, video games, and websites.
  • Web Designer: Designs and creates websites, focusing on layout, visual design, and user experience.
  • Video Game Designer: Develops the concepts, stories, and gameplay mechanics for video games.
  • 3D Modeler: Creates 3D models for use in film, video games, and virtual reality experiences.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Artist: Creates immersive virtual environments and experiences, often working with VR technology.

9. Advertising and Marketing

  • Creative Director: Leads the creative team in advertising agencies, overseeing the development of ad campaigns and branding.
  • Art Director: Develops the visual concept for advertising campaigns, working closely with copywriters and designers.
  • Marketing Specialist: Works on promoting products or services, often focusing on the creative aspects of campaigns.
  • Brand Strategist: Develops and implements strategies to build and maintain a brand’s image and identity.

10. Art Therapy

  • Art Therapist: Uses art-making as a therapeutic process to help individuals express themselves and work through emotional or psychological issues.
  • Expressive Arts Therapist: Combines various art forms (visual arts, music, dance, etc.) to promote healing and personal growth.

11. Public Relations

  • Public Relations Specialist: Manages the public image of individuals, companies, or organizations, often through media relations, press releases, and events.
  • Social Media Manager: Develops and executes social media strategies to build and engage online communities.

12. Entrepreneurship

  • Gallery Owner: Owns and operates an art gallery, curating exhibitions and representing artists.
  • Freelance Artist/Designer: Works independently, providing creative services to clients on a project-by-project basis.
  • Creative Entrepreneur: Launches and manages a creative business, such as a design studio, fashion brand, or arts education center.

13. Teaching and Academia

  • College Professor: Teaches arts-related subjects at the college or university level, often conducting research or creative work alongside teaching.
  • Art Historian: Studies and writes about the history of art, often working in academia, museums, or as a critic.

14. Writing and Criticism

  • Art Critic: Writes reviews and articles about visual art, exhibitions, and artists, often for magazines, newspapers, or online platforms.
  • Cultural Critic: Provides commentary on various aspects of culture, including art, music, literature, and film.

Careers in Mathematics

A mathematics degree opens the door to a wide range of career opportunities across various industries. Here are some career paths for math majors, categorized by industry:

1. Finance and Banking

  • Actuary
    • Role: Analyze financial risks using mathematics, statistics, and financial theory. Actuaries are essential in insurance, pension plans, and investment sectors.
    • Skills Needed: Probability, statistics, financial mathematics, risk management, actuarial exams (SOA, CAS).
  • Quantitative Analyst (Quant)
    • Role: Develop and implement mathematical models to inform trading strategies and risk management in finance.
    • Skills Needed: Advanced mathematics, programming (Python, C++), financial theory, statistical analysis.
  • Financial Analyst
    • Role: Analyze financial data and trends to make recommendations on investments, budget planning, and business strategies.
    • Skills Needed: Financial modeling, data analysis, statistics, understanding of financial markets.
  • Investment Banker
    • Role: Advise companies on mergers, acquisitions, and capital raising, using financial analysis and modeling.
    • Skills Needed: Financial mathematics, economics, data analysis, strong communication and negotiation skills.

2. Data Science and Analytics

  • Data Scientist
    • Role: Analyze complex data sets to extract insights and inform business decisions, often using machine learning and statistical methods.
    • Skills Needed: Statistics, machine learning, programming (Python, R), data visualization, big data tools.
  • Statistician
    • Role: Collect, analyze, and interpret data to help solve real-world problems in business, healthcare, government, and more.
    • Skills Needed: Probability, statistical analysis, data collection methods, software (SAS, SPSS).
  • Operations Research Analyst
    • Role: Use mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and optimization techniques to solve complex problems and improve decision-making in organizations.
    • Skills Needed: Optimization, linear programming, simulation, statistical analysis, knowledge of OR software (CPLEX, Gurobi).
  • Market Research Analyst
    • Role: Study market conditions to identify potential sales opportunities and determine the effectiveness of marketing strategies.
    • Skills Needed: Statistics, data analysis, survey methods, software (Excel, R, SQL).

3. Technology and Engineering

  • Cryptographer
    • Role: Design and analyze cryptographic algorithms and systems to secure data and communications.
    • Skills Needed: Number theory, algebra, coding theory, computer science, cryptography tools (OpenSSL, GPG).
  • Software Engineer
    • Role: Develop, test, and maintain software applications, often requiring algorithm design and optimization skills.
    • Skills Needed: Programming (Java, Python, C++), algorithms, data structures, software development lifecycle.
  • Algorithm Engineer
    • Role: Develop algorithms for a variety of applications, from search engines to AI systems, ensuring efficiency and scalability.
    • Skills Needed: Algorithm design, complexity analysis, mathematics, programming.
  • Data Engineer
    • Role: Build and maintain data pipelines, ensuring that data is clean, accessible, and ready for analysis.
    • Skills Needed: SQL, ETL processes, big data technologies (Hadoop, Spark), data warehousing.

4. Academia and Research

  • Mathematician
    • Role: Conduct research to develop new mathematical principles or solve complex problems in various fields like physics, biology, or economics.
    • Skills Needed: Advanced mathematics, problem-solving, theoretical research, academic writing, teaching.
  • University Professor
    • Role: Teach mathematics courses, conduct research, and publish academic papers in areas such as pure or applied mathematics.
    • Skills Needed: Subject expertise, teaching skills, research methodology, academic publishing.
  • Research Scientist (Mathematics)
    • Role: Work in research institutions or laboratories, applying mathematical techniques to solve scientific or technical problems.
    • Skills Needed: Mathematical modeling, computational methods, data analysis, interdisciplinary collaboration.

5. Insurance and Risk Management

  • Actuarial Analyst
    • Role: Analyze data to assess risks and determine insurance premiums, often working closely with actuaries.
    • Skills Needed: Actuarial science, statistics, probability, financial mathematics, Excel, actuarial software.
  • Underwriter
    • Role: Evaluate insurance applications and determine coverage amounts and premiums, assessing the risk associated with the policyholder.
    • Skills Needed: Risk assessment, probability, statistics, industry regulations, communication skills.
  • Risk Analyst
    • Role: Identify and analyze potential risks to a company’s assets, earning capacity, or success, and suggest ways to mitigate those risks.
    • Skills Needed: Risk management, statistics, financial analysis, scenario analysis.

6. Government and Public Policy

  • Operations Research Analyst
    • Role: Solve operational problems for government agencies using mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and decision theory.
    • Skills Needed: Optimization, simulation, statistical analysis, knowledge of government operations.
  • Policy Analyst
    • Role: Use mathematical models to analyze and evaluate public policies and their potential impact, often focusing on economics, healthcare, or education.
    • Skills Needed: Econometrics, statistical analysis, data interpretation, policy analysis.
  • Economist
    • Role: Study economic data and trends to advise on economic policy, often using mathematical models and statistical techniques.
    • Skills Needed: Econometrics, macroeconomics, data analysis, research, policy evaluation.

7. Healthcare and Biostatistics

  • Biostatistician
    • Role: Apply statistical analysis to biological data, particularly in medical research, clinical trials, and public health studies.
    • Skills Needed: Statistics, bioinformatics, clinical trial design, software (SAS, R), knowledge of medical research.
  • Epidemiologist
    • Role: Study the patterns and causes of diseases in populations, often using statistical models to understand public health issues.
    • Skills Needed: Biostatistics, epidemiology, data analysis, public health, research methods.
  • Health Data Analyst
    • Role: Analyze health data to improve patient outcomes, healthcare efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.
    • Skills Needed: Statistics, data analysis, healthcare systems, database management.

8. Logistics and Supply Chain

  • Logistics Analyst
    • Role: Optimize supply chain processes using mathematical modeling and statistical analysis to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
    • Skills Needed: Operations research, optimization, data analysis, supply chain management.
  • Supply Chain Manager
    • Role: Oversee and improve the flow of goods and services, applying quantitative methods to manage inventory, transportation, and logistics.
    • Skills Needed: Supply chain management, logistics, statistical analysis, optimization.
  • Inventory Analyst
    • Role: Manage inventory levels by analyzing sales data, forecasting demand, and applying mathematical models to optimize stock.
    • Skills Needed: Statistics, data analysis, forecasting, inventory management software.

9. Consulting

  • Management Consultant
    • Role: Advise companies on how to improve operations, increase efficiency, and solve complex problems using data-driven approaches.
    • Skills Needed: Data analysis, problem-solving, business strategy, communication, project management.
  • Data Consultant
    • Role: Provide expertise in data analysis, helping businesses leverage their data to make informed decisions and optimize performance.
    • Skills Needed: Data analysis, statistics, data visualization, consulting experience, technical tools (SQL, Python).
  • Quantitative Consultant
    • Role: Solve quantitative problems for clients in finance, insurance, or technology, often involving complex mathematical modeling.
    • Skills Needed: Advanced mathematics, financial modeling, programming, analytical thinking.

These career paths for math majors leverage strong quantitative and analytical skills and often require further specialization or additional skills in specific fields such as programming, finance, or data analysis. The versatility of a math degree allows for opportunities in diverse industries, from finance and technology to healthcare and government.

Educational Careers in STEAM

Opportunities in the future will abound for Educators specializing in STEM and STEAM Education. These are just a few of the types of educational careers that will be in high demand

1. Biotechnology Educator

Technical Skills Needed: Molecular biology techniques, bioinformatics tools (BLAST, ClustalW), genetic engineering, programming in bioinformatics (Python, R), and understanding of bioethics.

Role: Educate students on the integration of biology and technology, focusing on areas such as genetic engineering, bioinformatics, and their applications in art and design (e.g., bio-art).

2. Automated Systems and Controls Instructor

Technical Skills Needed: Control systems engineering, PLC programming (Siemens, Allen-Bradley), SCADA systems, robotics, automation software, and experience with industrial sensors and actuators.

Role: Teach the design, programming, and maintenance of automated systems, including the integration of control systems with creative design and production processes.

3. Biomimicry and Design Educator

Technical Skills Needed: Biology and ecology, systems thinking, design software (CAD, Adobe Suite), materials science, and knowledge of sustainable design practices.

Role: Teach students how to apply principles of biomimicry in engineering and design, drawing inspiration from natural systems to create innovative and sustainable solutions.

These careers emphasize the technical depth required to teach advanced concepts in STEAM, integrating complex scientific and engineering principles with creative and innovative approaches. They are critical in preparing students for the evolving demands of the modern workforce.


STEAM education enhances students’ understanding of each domain by fostering an integrated approach to learning. It prepares them for the complexities of the modern world, where problems and solutions are rarely confined to a single discipline.

Internet Resources

  • – companion web site to STEAMPilots.AI. There you will find interesting (and hopefully entertaining) content that supplements the course material found here.


Sousa, D. A., & Pilecki, T. (2013). From STEM to STEAM: Using brain-compatible strategies to integrate the arts. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Hunter-Doniger, Tracey, and Nancy Walkup (2024). STEAM Education: An Interdisciplinary Look at Art in the Curriculum. Routledge.